Rehabilitation Therapists


Exoskeleton - Keeogo

Our team at Neuro Junction were fortunate to have Phil Abery, physiotherapist, from Bond University provide an in-service on the use of exoskeleton’s in rehabilitation. Phil is currently completing a PhD exploring the rehabilitation benefits of exoskeletons in community and clinic settings. There are many types of exoskeletons that can assist with various tasks and at different joint locations (e.g. shoulder, hip, knee or ankle) and Phil is currently working with the exoskeleton Keeogo.


Keeogo knee orthosis powered by SMART technology which aims to assist people living with neurological conditions to improve their ability and safety with walking. The Keeogo assists with knee stability in the stance phase of gait and knee bending in the swing phase of gait. The SMART intuitive software uses sensors that detect the users change in position at the hip and knee joints. The artificial intelligence recognizes the gait pattern and activates the motors at the knee joint.


  1. Should have the ability to initiate all movements in walking, sit-stand, stand-sit, squatting, crouching, kneeling and stair climbing

  2. Should be able to walk without human assistance

  3. Should have necessary balance and core strength to remain upright when operating the device

It is important to always consult with your rehabilitation specialist when considering an exoskeleton. This is due to the variability in exoskeletons and individuality of each person with a neurological condition. Also, further research is required to better understand the benefits of using exoskeletons within therapy to facilitate neuroplasticity, as well as the usability and safety within the community setting.

Visit B-Temia further information on Keeogo.

Jessica Nienhuis