Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
What is GBS?
A rare condition where the body’s own immune system attacks the nerve cells. It is not known what causes GBS, however most cases follow a bacterial or viral infection. These infections are commonly reported as upper respiratory infections about 10-14 days prior. Most people with GBS will recover within 6-12 months, however some present with long term issues.
The pattern of symptoms observed in the different clinical variants of GBS.
Numbness (including tingling in the hands and feet)
Respiratory Issues
GBS Management
Treating GBS requires a multi-disciplinary approach and people can often see a good recovery, if treatment is sought out quickly. Without intervention, due to the nature of the disease, people can develop respiratory complications and sometimes require ventilation. A multi-disciplinary approach includes:
Medical management, with the most commonly used treatment being Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) and Plasma Exchange (Plasmapheresis).
Occupational therapy
Speech therapy
how can Neuro Junction Therapists assist?
Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists play an important roll in the multi-disciplinary management of GBS. We can help in the recovery of GBS through a targeted approach to the clients’ goals and presenting deficits. This also can be in the form of education and strategies to self-manage symptoms/deficits.
Physiotherapists can provide individualised programs, strength or endurance training, functional training, walking aid prescription, respiratory management and bladder/bowel management.
Occupational Therapists can help with assistive device prescription, home modifications, wheelchair prescription and upper limb therapy.
Overall, our therapists aim to optimise and improve function for people living with GBS in the community.
For more information:
Guillain-Barre syndrome Foundation International – USA
Image retrieved from: Leonhard, S. E., Mandarakas, M. R., Gondim, F. A., Bateman, K., Ferreira, M. L., Cornblath, D. R., ... & Jacobs, B. C. (2019). Diagnosis and management of Guillain–Barré syndrome in ten steps. Nature Reviews Neurology, 15(11), 671-683.